Help Grow Careers and Earn Money Back!

Did you find your training with LBL to be a career enhancing experience? If so, we would welcome your recommendation to a friend, colleague, or business. We appreciate your referral and will provide you with a reimbursement on past or current training for it!

You'll receive 5% back from your training bill if your referral signs up for any of our course options!

How the Referral Program Works:

  1. Submit your referral in the contact form on this page
  2. We will reach out to your referral and provide them with the necessary information about our training programs
  3. If and when your referral signs up for a course, we will reimburse 5% of your last bill straight to your bank account!
  4. We will send you an email confirming the credit

Note: refunds can be put toward future training if preferred. Please call 773.774.0240 with any questions.

Who Benefits Most from LBL Training:

  • Professionals with new strategic responsibility  
  • Professionals with strategic responsibility who are not yet ASP certified
  • CEOs & business owners who are experiencing a growth slump
  • Young professionals looking to get ahead of their peers
  • Training & Development Managers whose organizational leadership can benefit from training